Tuesday, May 10, 2011


So many today look for loopholes in any way they can. Weather it is financial or spiritual. It came to mind about the serpent when he was tempting Eve he said(paraphrased), " you won't die honey, eat it it will make you like God. A loophole that was the undoing of man. We take  money under the table and justify it with the Revenue Services get enough from me.. I need it more than they do.We tell white lies with the thought or loophole of we don't want to hurt their feelings. One of the biggest loopholes in the world is --I didn't know that the bible said that. Ps. 119:11 Your word I have hidden in my heart that I might not sin against you. Ps119:9-16 starts witha  question," How can I cleanse my way?" The rest of this section answers thusly* Pay attention?take heed of God's word. *Seek God with your whole heart.*Do not wander away from God's teachings.*hide his word in your heart. *Pray for the Holy Spirit to teach you His commandments.*Rejoice in God's testimonies(examples).*Meditate on the word and contemplate God's ways. *Delight yourself in His statutes.* Do not forget His word.

Whenever we do the above we don't have to worry about loopholes spiritually because we will KNOW where we stand and how to live. I think Julie Ackerman Link said it best--' Whenever we start looking for loopholes, we stop being obediant.
 My hope and prayer is to encourage all who read this to become obediant to the Father and have fullness of life. Ps. 67:7a  says it best..Then God shall bless us. Have a blessed week everyone.

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