Friday, May 11, 2012


Today in my scripture reading I was directed to the Old Testament. 2nd Kings 13:1-5a. Israel once had straying into 'sin'. They were doing evil in the sight of God so God had brought the King of Syria against them as correction.Jehoahaz, the King of Israel, pleaded with God to deliver them from the hardships and distruction that they were experiencing. God sent them a deliverer so that they once again experienced peace and dwelt in their tents. NEVERTHELESS....they did not depart from the sins that Jereboam had led them into. In fact they walk in said sins.
     How many times have we walk in sin. We stray and worship idols of our day--self, money, partying, stuff, power, our rights ect. We drink, whore, cheat, fight, judge, in other words sin. Our world at some point comes crashing down around our heads. We find ourselves in financial, spiritual,mental or relationship distress. So what do we do? We do like Israel and we call out to God. God answers and restores our peace, our joy, our homes, our finances and our relationships..NEVERTHELESS...
     We do not quit living the lifestyles that got us into the messes to begin with. When will we learn? I guess is is said well in our venecular, " How's it workin' for you?" Another saying that I feel expresses it well is this..." The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results."
     Do you want a true change? Then make a change. Not only cry out to God for help, call out to God and make His Son Jesus Lord of your life. Put away your 'idols'. You will find in him everything you will ever need.

Don't be a NEVERTHELESS person be a BECAUSE OF JESUS one.